Collected Edition: Episode 10: Tomb of Dracula Vol.2

Happy Halloween everyone! On this episode we discuss, in honor of the greatest holiday invented by man, we discuss the classic 70s Marvel comic Tomb of Dracula. Volume 2 to be precise. This is written by Marv Wolfman and drawn by [...]

By |2020-10-05T19:04:13-06:00October 31, 2017|Collected Edition, Halloween, Podcasts|0 Comments

Collected Edition: Episode 8: Blade Runner & Do Androids Dream…

On this episode we have a theme! Yes, its our first themed episode in anticipation of the upcoming release Blade Runner 2049 we have a Blade Runner-centric episode. Starting off the program we talk a bit about the original movie [...]

By |2020-10-05T18:57:53-06:00October 6, 2017|Collected Edition, Podcasts|0 Comments
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