Created by John Byrne for Uncanny X-Men 120-121, Alpha Flight served as a foil for the mutant team, and as a connecting device between Wolverine and Canada’s Department H [...]
In 1986 John Ostrander, Len Wein, and John Byrne plotted/scripted/drew a DC crossover event called Legends, following Crisis On Infinite Earths. A bunch of stuff happens [...]
Can a story about zombies be wholesome? Can a story about animated corpses ripping bodies to shreds be innocent and sweet? It can if you have 70-plus years to build it on [...]
Throughout high school and college English classes, we would spend countless hours reading works of classic literature and meticulously picking through them to find their hidden meaning [...]
The Goth movement of the 1980s was defined by black clothing, eyeliner, and pain. So much pain. It is a subculture that opens itself up to parody, but to be fair it did produce a lot of creative and unique works...[]
Howard was created by Steve Gerber a one-off gag in a Man-Thing comic. But the character became so popular with fans it was decided – for some strange reason - to give Howard his own book...[]
What if everything you thought you knew was wrong? What if who you thought you were was false? What if your entire life was just a lie? [...]
Fables was launched in 2002 and ran for 150 issues, making it one of the longest-lived Vertigo titles. Created by Bill Willingham, the comic used public domain characters [...]
In the 1970s there was a craze for martial arts that swept the nation. Many factors led to this craze, but one person who personified the popularity of martial arts was, of course, Bruce Lee [...]
Natasha Romanov – the Black Widow – Marvel’s sultry spy. She has a heart of gold, a checkered past, and a particular set of skills [...]