About Paul Matthew Carr

Paul is a writer, artist, and designer. He spends an inordinate amount of time on the Internet blogging about silly things and even more time making things up and then attempting to convince people they are proper stories. He also talks into microphones from time to time.

Collected Edition: Episode 82: Black Monday Murders

“...in Black Monday Murders Hickman actually out Hickman’s himself.” Today on the program we discuss The Black Monday Murders by Johnathan Hickman and Tom Coker – which should be a breeze. It's...complicated. We have an interesting time trying to explain [...]

By |2024-12-02T10:20:38-07:00February 1, 2022|Collected Edition, Halloween, Horror, Image, Xmas|0 Comments

Collected Edition: Episode 78: The Eternals

“Even the great Neil Gaiman it seems cannot make the Eternals interesting.” Today on the program we discuss the 2007 reboot(ish) of the Eternals by the great Neil Gaiman and John Romita Jr. Can they revitalize and reinvigorate the sprawling [...]

By |2024-03-27T09:34:31-06:00September 26, 2021|Collected Edition, Marvel, Podcasts, Superhero|0 Comments

Collected Edition: Episode 76: Master of Kung Fu

“…excellent fight choreography desperately in need of a purpose.” Today on the program we discuss the...difficult comic that is Master of Kung Fu. This is the early 70s attempt to cash in on the Kung Fu craze that introduces the [...]

By |2024-04-23T10:04:55-06:00August 15, 2021|Adventure, Collected Edition, Marvel, Superhero|0 Comments

Collected Edition: Episode 71: Dreadstar

“High space adventure awaits!” Journey back with us to the far-away time of the 1980swhere a new imprint - Epic - was being launched with the flagship title: Dreadstar! Written and drawn by the legendary Jim Starlin this tells the [...]

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