“Not everything in life is
golden or satisfying.”

Today on the program we take a look at Aztek: The Ultimate Man written by Grant Morrison & Mark Millar with art by Stephen Harris. It is a 90s extravaganza fill with excess, grittiness, and questionable costume choices. It’s the book that caused a rift between Morrison and Millar that, let’s face it, is probably for the best.

Also on the program, we discuss the HBO/Discovery merger and the rash of inexplicable canceling that has happened.

As always, thanks for listening.

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Proud member of The Collective – A Superhero Podcast Network

The trailer played on the episode: JLA: Bwah-Ha-Ha Podcast

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Email: comments@collectededitionpodcast.com
Website: collectededitionpodcast.com
Podcast’s Twitter: @CollectedEdPod
Paul’s Twitter: @DaddyElk
Brian’s Twitter: @bigrockmountain

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And as always thanks for listening everyone!

Keep reading comics. Be well. Cheers.