Flintstones, read the Flintstones.
You’ll have a gay old time.

Today on the program we talk about the 2016 12-issue mini-series The Flintstones written by Mark Russell and art by Steve Pugh. This reimagining was more realistic – in that, the character designs were less stylized and given more human proportions – and its situations and attitudes reflected a sensibility that is more modern (for lack of a better word).  And there are puns…just so many puns.

In addition, we talk about the recent deluge of comic book TV shows we are blessed and or cursed with recently.

As always, thanks for listening.

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Proud member of The Collective – A Superhero Podcast Network

The trailer played on the episode: The Nexus of All Realities

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Email: [email protected]
Website: collectededitionpodcast.com
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Brian’s Twitter: @bigrockmountain

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And as always thanks for listening everyone!

Keep reading comics. Be well. Cheers.