On the program, we discuss Superman Red Son – the 2003 Elseworlds mini-series written by Mark Millar and art by Dave Johnson. This three-issue series imagines a world where Superman landed in a field in the Soviet Union rather than on a farm in Kansas. It is a fascinating idea and is held up as one of the best Superman stories ever written…but does it live up to the hype? You’ll find out the answer to this question and more!

Also, we talk about the possibility of a black Batman *gasp* and we walk through our favorite Superman analogs (there are a lot).  So join us – Paul Matthew Carr and Brian Reese – for a lively, rambling, and hopefully entertaining discussion on comics and comic-related material.

Trailer played on the show: Last Sons of Krypton – A Superman Podcast

And if you’d like to contact the show, you have options:

Email: [email protected]
Website: collectededitionpodcast.com
Twitter: @CollectedEdPod
Paul’s Twitter: @DaddyElk
Brian’s Twitter: @bigrockmountain

Go to any or all of those places and leave a comment and let us know your thoughts.

And as always thanks for listening everyone!

Keep reading comics. Be well. Cheers.