Today on the program – a classic story the has touched the heart of almost every comic book fan throughout history…just kidding it’s the one where Captain America becomes a werewolf. Written by Mark Gruenwald at the tail end of his epic run on Cap this story is bonkers. I mean Captain America is turned into a werewolf in the middle of a town of werewolves  what more needs to be said? Do you need to know that Wolverine is there? Or Doctor Druid? Cable? Well they are and more. It’s also a 90s comic drawn by Rik Levins so get ready for straps around the leg, shoulder pads, bondage gear and pouches! It is weird, wonderful and fun.

Also on the program we discuss Batman related news with the firing of Tom King and the casting of Robert Patterson. Paul also goes off on a bit of a tangent about Twilight – and not in the way you’d think.

So join us – Paul Matthew Carr and Brian K. Reese – for a lively and rambling and hopefully entertaining discussion on comics and comic related material.

Trailer played on the show: Make Ours Marvel

And if you’d like to contact the show, you have options:

Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @CollectedEdPod
Paul’s Twitter: @DaddyElk
Brian’s Twitter: @bigrockmountain

Go to any or all of those places and leave a comment and let us know your thoughts.

And as always thanks for listening everyone!

Keep reading comics. Be well. Cheers.