Satire! Parody! 1970s weirdness at its finest!

Today on the program we discuss the 1978 Judge Dredd story-arc The Cursed Earth originally published in 2000AD (the magazine not the year).  Loosely based on Roger Zelazny’s novel Damnation Alley the story finds out titular anti-hero traveling across a nuclear fallout wasteland on a mission to save the citizens of Mega City 2 from plague. Along the way he meets mutants, outlaws, aliens, dinosaurs, Ronald MacDonald and living product mascots. And he deals with them in the way only a semi-fascistic one-man judge, jury and executioner can.

Also, we talk about the launch of Disney Plus and go a little overboard on the “Han Shot First” controversy. Yes, we have opinions on Star Wars, who would have thought?

So join us for a rousing discussion on post-apocalyptic wastelands and the people who live there. You’ll be glad you did.

Proud member of The Collective – A Superhero Podcast Network

Trailer played on the show: Coffee & Comics Podcast

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Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @CollectedEdPod
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Brian’s Twitter: @bigrockmountain

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And as always thanks for listening everyone!

Keep reading comics. Be well. Cheers.