“The ethereal vs the gritty…
the common vs the fantastic.”
On this episode we discuss the first volume of Kurt Busiek‘s magnum opus – Astro City: Life in the Big City. In these six issues we get to know the titular city, it’s super powered inhabitants, and the regular folk who have to deal with the day-to-day life of living with super villain shenanigans. With beautiful art by Brent Anderson and covers by the great Alex Ross, we are invited to get to know the people and the places that make up the bright, hopeful world of Astro City.
Also, we talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly of recent DC Comics news. From the firings to the anticipation of DC Fandome (this was recorded just before it started).
So join us for a rollicking conversation about a great, great comic.
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Proud member of The Collective – A Superhero Podcast Network
Trailer played on the show: Last Sons of Krypton
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Email: [email protected]
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And as always thanks for listening everyone!
Keep reading comics. Be well. Cheers.