“…a tight storyline of espionage, politics,
corporate dealings, and betrayal all shrouded in mystery.”

Today on the program Captain America: Winter Soldier the epic story written by Ed Brubaker and drawn by Steve Epting.

The story arc consists of a complicated plot led by a Russian oligarch, armed with a mystical cosmic weapon, and aided by a mysterious assassin – who might possibly be Captain America’s dearest friend. Spoilers: it is.

Brubaker’s epic run on Captain America redefined the character for the 21st Century. And the Winter Soldier arc in particular set the stage for a new direction for Steve Rogers, a path that he is still on, while at the same time introducing an old character that laid the groundwork for how old concepts can be revived and made new again.

Also, Brian tries to convince Paul why he should be watching Superman & Lois on the CW.

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The trailer played on the episode: Into The Knight: A Moon Knight Podcast

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And as always thanks for listening everyone!

Keep reading comics. Be well. Cheers.